VIAC - UBW Vienna Bernhard Wisleitner

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Registered in the "List of Practitioners in International Mediation and ADR"
of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre

The Vienna Mediation Rules have been in force since Janury 1st 2016. VIAC will be able to administrate all proceedings in the field of amicable dispute resolution supported by a neutral third party under the new rules as they are framed not only to cover mediation proceedings but generally to ADR-proceedings.

VIAC offers practitioners in international mediation and ADR the possibility to present themselves on its website. VIAC reserves the right to publish any presentations submitted. Parties are free to nominate a mediator or a "neutral third person" of their choice and so is the VIAC Board when appointing a mediator. These presentations do not constitute recommendations but may assist the parties in choosing a mediator or a "neutral third person" willing to conduct proceedings according to the Vienna Mediation Rules.

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